


So just a small post today,

I found this certificate, and I wondered, How long can you guys last without chocolate? I mean, WITHOUT chocolate?

So no chocolate in your home, no chocolate in a store near you, just like.... when would you think ''Oh i'm missing chocolate!''

As a comparison I will give you my personal best:

Half a day, without chocolate I was doing something else and after half a day I was like:
''my emergency chocolate supply ran out!''
''where do I get chocolate?''
(my emergency chocolate supply are 2-5 bars of chocolate I keep aside from my normal supply just in case I don't have time to go to a store to buy new chocolate (: )

So my question to you: After what period of time will you start missing chocolate in your life?


  1. About 1 week, I start to miss sweets and chocolate.

  2. I would take the chocobabe even if she came without the chocolate...

  3. Um...a day, probably. I have it BAD!

  4. When I was was losing a whole buttload of weight over a year ago I didn't eat ANY chocolate, not chocolate milk or chocolate flavoured anythnig for about 4 months. Now I drink chocolate milk pretty often. :3

  5. I'm sorry, I couldn't read any of your text except the last line. There was a naked lady covered in chocolate.

    My answer is three days, just about.
    Now, where did I put that 85% bar?

  6. Hahahahah @ alphabeta
    If you can't stand the ladies your on the wrong blog!

  7. i actually can last about a 2 or 3 weeks without chocolate, do you hate me cuz im not addicted to chocolate???

  8. I like chocolate, but I'm by no means addicted.

  9. I love chocolate, but I don't eat it every day...

  10. i could probably go a couple weeks! Like the picture btw! great blog, following!

  11. lol I try to stay away from it because it's addicting.

    If chocolate is in front of me it won't be there for long.

  12. i usually go on chocolate sprees. I don't eat any for a while and then I gouge.

  13. Honestly I only like it in very small quantities. I'd say a few days.

  14. I find it very bad for my economy to test these things, because, like last night, I go on a craze after a few days and purchase way more chocolate than I would normally need. I prefer always having some at home.

  15. no more than a day.. then i get cranky LOL


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